Happy Birthday Stella and Sam!
I can't believe how fast time has flown by! We now have a 2 year old and a, very BIG, 1 year old! Stella had a "Handy Manny" birthday party and Sam LOVED diving into his cupcake. Our very talented friend, Lori, took Stella and Sam's Birthday Pictures. She did a wonderful job of capturing our beautiful children. Thank you Lori!!!
Stella's 2 year pictures
Stella in cowboy boots! I found these 'real' cowboy boots at a consignment shop and she LOVES to wear them. Even if the outfit doesn't match, she insists she put them on. Lori, was driving by one day, happened to have her camera and took these adorable pictures.
Notice Stella's feet!
I made these cupcakes for Stella's party. They have colorful sprinkles around the edges.
Birthday Girl enjoying her cupcake.
Poppy and Lucas
Sweet Eli with his party hat on.
Stella and Ava checking out her new stroller from Paboo. (She pushes her baby down the street daily!)
Poppy and Mo gave Stella her first kitchen! She absolutely loves it! She makes me spaghetti and meatballs all the time.
Jenny, Lucas, and Sam at Paboo's house.
Sam is such a big boy! He has the sweetest personality. He started walking 2 weeks ago, and now prefers to walk over crawling. We are in trouble when he starts to run! He is 29 pounds and only an inch shorter than Stella. Lori took these pictures of Sam in Paboo's backyard. He is my precious little man!
Any time Sam hears a cell phone ring he puts his hand to his ear and starts "talking". Too cute!
Sam opening his presents and Mo and Poppy's house.
Sam's 1st dump truck! He pushes it around the yard and actually puts dirt and leaves in it!
I love anything sweet!
Precious Eli
Sam and Eli playing with Weeble Wobbles.
Stella's dance moves at a wedding with the Firmin's.
Sam and Stella playing in the Jeep at the Firmin's.
We had such a fun time swimming with the kids this summer. Stella loves the water and even jumps of the diving board by herself.
Stella and Mo
Poppy helping Stella and Mo float on their backs.
Sam having a fun time with the water hose.
Sweet Stella before bedtime.
Stella pulling Paboo in the wagon.
Our house was built in the early 60's and has cast iron plumbing under the house. The cast iron plumbing rotted, so we had to re-route the plumbing from the house, resulting in tearing up a bit of the front yard and back yard. I took this opportunity to do some landscaping in the front yard. (Pictures will be on a later post.) We planted two natchez white crape myrtyls and a loqout tree. Here Stella and Sam are playing in the hole for one of the trees. They had so much fun!