Welcome Home Granny!
This past Saturday, Granny moved to Baton Rouge from Washington State. We welcomed her at the airport with a sign and balloons. We are so glad that she is finally here and now we are just waiting for her very large truckload of furniture and "stuff" to arrive this week!
Stella excited to see her Great Granny!
Granny's balloons at her new house!
Saturday night, we had a great dinner at Mama's house. Stella saw Granny's desert and in her hands went! So, we let her have a little bit of whipped cream. Yum Yum!
April 19th was Marla's 83rd birthday! We had cake and ice cream at Aunt Susan Lott's house to celebrate. Here is Marla blowing out her candles.
Marla and Stella
Stella with her bunny ears and carrots ready for the "Bunny Hop"!
"Is there a bunny in here?"